Saturday, June 13, 2009

Marriage - euphoria vs crisis??

Dear friends,
It's almost about a month left before i'm going to shift my title from Miss to Mrs..
Lot of things comes across my mind, what it'll look like, what will happen in the new life, what shall i do and what sort of things does this marriage are..

This sort of stimulation does trigger my anxiety to ask personal opinions from a few fellas...
Some said in the 1st stage, you'll experience a euphoria stage in the life, meanwhile the next stage will be the crisis stage where at that time, you need to be very, very careful.. One party will be on the right, and another will be on the left. It's something like "u do whatever u think u wanna do, and i'll do whatever i like.. Take responsibility on whatever u did" This is when the euphoria has gone. Is it true?? This will be the time where the 3rd party will interrupt... (Am i right??) Huhuuu...

(Sigh....) Hopefully i can reformat my thinking.. Marriage is something which is wonderful, and it's the life sharing of two person who are responsible in determining which path they will take to ensure good and blessed life in the future..


  1. insyaallah you will success in your carier and life.. just always remember, appreciate to our creator Allah swt.. for giving us this life whatever it is.. always remember the most and bigger success is to be one of the "ahli Jannah".. tips to be ahli jannah very simple, respect your husband,be a good wife, pray.. take care of your religion and take care of your "aurat".. once woman married her husband responsibility opon her.. if she obey the husband as per request by islam.. the mother father automatically go to "jannnah"heaven..
